'Ali G Indahouse' is a comedy drama based on a fictional character created by Sasha Baran Cohen, the movie is based on a 'gangster wannabe' from Staines who is part of the 'West-side Staines Massive' (fictional) gang, and he finds out his beloved community centre is about to close down, so he unwillingly heads onto the path of politics. The trailer starts off in a suspenseful way, where we see a meeting going on between the G20 leaders, and we see sub-headings on the screen that say 'the world is changing' but you can 'trust one man' to which one of antagonists says' is there any reason why there is a absurdly dressed half naked man being tossed off by a council worker' and from this we see sections of comedy, from where the protagonist says, 'All the bitches say Yoo' while he speaking to a group of feminists, the trailer has a lot of different episodes of comedy throughout the trailer, we see conventions of an action and comedy spoof, but the trailer shows the 'famous' Ali G trying to save his beloved Staines, we also see more than one non-digetic sound being played in the background, and all the songs suggest a black comedy, but we see the complete opposite and see Ali G trying to be a black man. We are also introduced to the character near enough straight away, not much of the plot is given away but enough is given away to know that it will be of the comedic genre
'Anuvahood' is also a comedy drama based on a fictional character trying to be a gangster, the carefully constructed character of 'Kenneth' is introduced to us straight away with 5 characters saying his name in a montage, this introduces us to the character quickly and also gives us an insight of what the character will be like, the tone of the voice suggests that he will be one who gets in trouble quite a lot, and one who has problems he has to face, the cinematography is pretty basic as we see normal medium shots and some close ups, the movement of camera directs our attention usually to the protagonist Kenneth. There is also a sound bridge which continues throughout scenes even when the visual has moved to the next scene. The movie trailer also features 3 non-digetic sound tracks played in the background which also suggest that the genre will be a gangster drama.
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