- Sherlock - TV
- Britz - TV
- Four Lions - Movie
- Dark Knight Rises - Movie
- Luther - TV
3 Choices
Britz -
- TV Drama
- Show about current affairs
- Tackling terrorism
- Controversial
- Problems about society
The links above show the actual site for the TV show Britz and the Wikipedia page gives institutional information about the show. The YouTube link is a trailer about the show whereas the Channel 4 website is the homepage about the actual show. All three give information about the show and these try to attract an audience. Britz is also available to watch on the 4OD website, so even though that the show came out a few years ago, people may still go onto the website and watch it.
- I chose Luther as it is a ongoing series currently being shown on BBC. It would help me as it is ongoing so there will be more to talk about and Luther is also a crime drama with Luther being the main character. It shows all the necessary media components which show the problems of society and how the police tackle it, I also chose it as it portrays the police in a very positive but questionable ways where the police officers may not always be seen as the innocent ones. Uses and gratifications theory for identity also comes into Luther as we see Luther as a disturbed character who needs to find his own identity and many of the audience members could also link with this as the protagonists own confusing identity may help some members find there own identity and this helps interaction with the audience. "Luther" is a fast paced mystery presented with many plot twists and insights into the human psyche.
- Ongoing TV drama
- Current affairs
- Controversial police
- How police react to crimes
- Uses and Gratifications - Identity
- I chose Luther as it is a ongoing series currently being shown on BBC. It would help me as it is ongoing so there will be more to talk about and Luther is also a crime drama with Luther being the main character. It shows all the necessary media components which show the problems of society and how the police tackle it, I also chose it as it portrays the police in a very positive but questionable ways where the police officers may not always be seen as the innocent ones. Uses and gratifications theory for identity also comes into Luther as we see Luther as a disturbed character who needs to find his own identity and many of the audience members could also link with this as the protagonists own confusing identity may help some members find there own identity and this helps interaction with the audience. "Luther" is a fast paced mystery presented with many plot twists and insights into the human psyche.
All the links above show information about Luther and information about the show and the institutional information about the show. We also see ratings and other peoples views of Luther on the websites. The BBC website also gives a link to actually watch the show online on BBC Iplayer. Luther is currently in its third season and the imdb website shows how popular the TV show has become, it has been given a rating of 8.4 which on the website is quite high and it gives reviews of the show and portrays the good thing about the actual show.
- Current affairs
- Ongoing TV drama
- Alternative stereotype on Police officers
- Problems about society
- Audience interaction
The links above give institutional information about the TV show Sherlock Holmes and the imdb website also gives us reviews and ratings for the actual TV show - whereas the last two links are blogs which have specifically been posted through the BBC website to interact with the audience. It interacts with the audience as on the actual website people are 'helping' Sherlock Holmes solve crimes and we see a lot of information about the actual TV shows and even things that happened in the show on the blog.
The links above give institutional information about the TV show Sherlock Holmes and the imdb website also gives us reviews and ratings for the actual TV show - whereas the last two links are blogs which have specifically been posted through the BBC website to interact with the audience. It interacts with the audience as on the actual website people are 'helping' Sherlock Holmes solve crimes and we see a lot of information about the actual TV shows and even things that happened in the show on the blog.
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